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Wednesday 4 July 2012

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Your CCIE Lab Success Strategy: The Non-Technical Guidebook

this is a unique book which discuss the non-technical
aspects of the CCIE lab. This book is for anyone, who is either considering
taking on the CCIE challenge, or has passed the written portion of the exam.
It is for those who have failed the lab and it is for those who already have a
CCIE and are considering pursuing another CCIE track.

What other reviewers have said:
  • The advice that is found in this book is not found in any CCIE book!
  • After reading this book I feel that CCIE is within my reach.
  • This unique book covers the much needed non-technical
  • aspects of CCIE lab exam preparation.
  • This type of mentorship from two CCIEs is priceless.
  • This book lets me know when I am ready for the Lab exam.
  •  I will most certainly use this book for my second CCIE!

Here are a few common scenarios that i have seen.

Scenario 1:
You plan and set a target date for scheduling your CCIE lab and start
studying very hard. As you approach your target date, you realize that you
are not fully prepared and so you postpone scheduling the CCIE lab. After
doing this a couple of times you stop trying.
The problem in this scenario is that your target date is not planned well.
Either the date is too aggressive or you are not able to devote as much time
for studying. Both of these are non-technical reasons that we will tackle in
this book.

Scenario 2:
You start preparing after reading the Lab blueprint. The sheer number
of books you have to read tells you that this is difficult. After reading three
or four books you realize that you have already started to forget things from
the first book. When this happens, you may get overwhelmed and stop
studying altogether.
The problem in this scenario is that you need to change the way you
prepare and study for the CCIE Lab. You need to be very specific about what
training resources to use, and how to use them. This is another nontechnical
aspect. We will give you guidelines on how to maximize your
studying efficiency later on in this book.

Scenario 3:
For your specific CCIE track you may purchase training lab books which
may have 20, 30 or even 40 labs to choose from. You setup the lab using
simulators; for example DYNAMIPS or GNS3 to practice with. You soon
realize that although you know the answers, you still do not understand
why a particular task was completed in a specific manner. As you complete
more and more of these labs you recognize there are many gaps in your
knowledge and you have to start fresh by reading up on technologies. This
may cause you to postpone or give up on your CCIE quest.

The problem in this scenario is that the candidate has many gaps in his
or her knowledge. By jumping into the labs without proper planning and
preparation, the labs become more daunting. This book addresses the
gradual step-by-step processes you should follow in order to succeed and
understand the lab.

Scenario 4:
You are a great engineer and are on top of your game. Because of this,
you are always busy and have many responsibilities. This leaves you with
very little time for studying. You can spare two or three weeks max so you
decide to take a one week CCIE boot camp from a leading training provider
and schedule your lab two weeks after that. After completing the course,
you realize that you need much more time to study, a luxury you don’t find
yourself having.
In this scenario, scheduling and planning study time while having a full
time job is the roadblock, and we tell you how to get around that, and share
our own stories.

This book is easy to follow. What we have written is advice that we gave
to others about our CCIE experience. It contains short concise chapters that
will not take away your study time"author said".
All of the chapters in this book are suggestions based on our successful
personal experiences. Use these suggestions to suit your specific needs.
Remember these are suggestions, and not hard set rules to help you
succeed in your CCIE lab"author said".

as this a unique book for those who want to pass CCIE Lab exam then it can only be purchased from amazon


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